Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Computer information trivia...BASIC

Recently I posted a comentary in the Dark Soul's blog giving a short summary of the history of the computer language BASIC.

Here are more trivia of BASIC taken from this source:

Basic was the first product sold by Microsoft corporation, and also the first major case of software piracy - It was copied widely even before Microsoft made it available (Bill Gates lost track of a copy on paper tape during a computer show).

The BASIC version that Allen and Gates licensed to M.I.T.S. for the Altair took a total of 4K memory including the code and data used for a source code.

The name "BASIC" may have come directly or indirectly from the science of human languages. Before the second world war, C. K. Ogden wrote a series called "Basic English". This was a list of 850 English words which would serve to describe any other word in English (perhaps by using more than one).

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